Being back on track is great and my energy level is returning and I am so glad. I think I went through the last couple of months in a fog and I am glad it is gone. It all started when I went on my cruise and got my eating off track. You would think I could have gotten it back under control faster than I did, but I guess not. I have learned that it is going to be a constant fight for me and I will always have to keep track of what I eat. Lord I wish I had half the will power that my sister has, and I would be skinny as a rail. For me it is a battle from the time I wake up until I go to bed at night. I love food and everything about it. I just have to learn that I can still have the foods that I love, but in moderation.
Today has been a great day so far and I walked at lunch. We have a pretty big office and it makes a good place to walk cause you can walk in a circle. Five times around is a football field so I walked for 20 min. I would walk one time at a regular pace and then speed walk the next round so I got in a pretty good work out at lunch. Tonight is Wii night and I am going to try and get 20 minutes worth of kettle ball in also.
Here is a picture of my lunch today and it was pretty good. I baked some catfish last night with chips and cheese. I added some green beans and summer squash to this. I like my squash brown so I got the skillet hot with olive oil spray and added my squash and they were great. I am down to one diet coke a day again and this is working out okay. I still want one again in the mornings, but I stick to water first thing and then I have my coke around 10:00 Am with my snack. My snack today was a banana sandwich on whole wheat bread with lite mayo for 3 points.
Today has been a great day so far and I walked at lunch. We have a pretty big office and it makes a good place to walk cause you can walk in a circle. Five times around is a football field so I walked for 20 min. I would walk one time at a regular pace and then speed walk the next round so I got in a pretty good work out at lunch. Tonight is Wii night and I am going to try and get 20 minutes worth of kettle ball in also.
Here is a picture of my lunch today and it was pretty good. I baked some catfish last night with chips and cheese. I added some green beans and summer squash to this. I like my squash brown so I got the skillet hot with olive oil spray and added my squash and they were great. I am down to one diet coke a day again and this is working out okay. I still want one again in the mornings, but I stick to water first thing and then I have my coke around 10:00 Am with my snack. My snack today was a banana sandwich on whole wheat bread with lite mayo for 3 points.
I am trying to eat healthy, but stay within my budget so I am back to bringing my lunches again. Have a great day and I am going to go and see what you guys have been posting.
I'm glad you are back on track, Debbie. It is hard to get back on once you are off. I'm finally back to myself too. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Hubby and I have gotten into the habit since last year of his taking his lunch. So I make extra at dinner, and we make sure to buy stuff he can use for snacks so he doesn't use the vending machines at work. He can eat healthier this way, too, more fruit, more veggies, some nuts.
I like my squash browned, too, with some horseradish or with some parmesan. :)
And it's very true that GETTING BACK is hard. When we eat in old patterns, we reactivate our old overeating brain pathways (old habits) and then have to fight to impose the new eating habit again (new habits). Old habit circuitry in the brain never goes away, it just lies dormant. But the more days and weeks we eat better, the easier it gets as that becomes the principle habit.
So, see, all scientific. :D hahahha
Happy Tuesday.
Debbie, you are someone I look up to with your determination and your drive in life. Thank you for sharing your blog!
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I Love your blog and reading what you have to say or show us next. You are truly a inspiration to follow.
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Yeah for back on track!!! I get freaked out now just thinking how long (years!!!!) every morning was THEE morning i was starting!!!
What we work so hard to get rid of comes back so stinkin fast!!! You have to be ever vigilant
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