Well the weigh-in went about like I thought I have gained 5 lbs. I knew this because of my scales and I could feel it in my clothes. So I am back on track this morning with a 3 point breakfast and fruit for a snack later on. I am also going back to hand writing my journals for a while and them putting them in etools every afternoon. This seems to help me keep a better track and not forget what I have eaten all day.
I am doing a early post this morning, because we are going to be with out power all day today. Entergy is bringing our big power lines to us today to run our big iron worker.
Have a great day..
I am doing a early post this morning, because we are going to be with out power all day today. Entergy is bringing our big power lines to us today to run our big iron worker.
Have a great day..
Hey Debbie, i am int he same boat as you. I gained 5lbs when i was sick. Don't get too down, just get back on your horse- you've done so well so far!!
See, that wasn't too bad. You weighed, and faced the music. Its behind you now and you have your mind on the right path. You go girl! high five!
I'm the same way. I use online weight watchers but I need a written one too :)
You can do it!! Stay strong my friend.
I'm convinced that it's not seeing the gain on the scale that is the worst part, it's the anxiety-fueled avoidance when I know I'm gaining and I'm afraid to see the scale...so you're done with the roughest part as far as I see it ;) Get one perfect day under your belt, and then another one, and then pretty soon, you'll have a string of them. Keep your head up; we're rooting for you :)
The important thing is that 5 wasn't 20. You nipped this before it got any more.
Hey you faced the music which for a lot of people they wouldn't have even faced the music they would have quit...at least you are back on track and that five pounds will be off before you know it
You will knock that 5 pounds off in no short order. The first step is keeping yourself accountable and doing the weigh in. Good for you!
I use pencil and paper, too, Debbie. If I don't write it down for a couple of days, you can bet I will have gained 2 or 3 pounds.
Your head is in the right place again, and just pick up where you left off. Onward and downward!
Good for you for getting back on track! Me too. I was up 1.5 today, although I was pleasantly surprised when I checked the actual stats in my book - I thought it was 2 lbs.
I'll haul my journal out too. I want it off by Monday (the extra 'fluff').
Being able to get back on track is half the battle, Debbie. Hang in there and have a great weekend!
Hang in there, Debbie. You can get it back under control and lose that weight again. I am up a few too but now am going back down. Just recommit and you will see some progress.
I only started 3 weeks ago and really need to track to succeed too... if it means anything - I found your blog by googling "inspiring weight loss blogs"... so keep on inspiring...
PS... I like how we both use "roads" to describe our progress...
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