Wednesday, August 17, 2011 | By: Debbie

August 18, 2011 - Getting myself back on track and doing good.

Today has been a good day so far with my eating and writing down what I have eaten.  I have decided not to go back to Weight Watchers, but to do it on my own.  Hubby is going to be my weigh-in person and we are going to keep a chart on the frig.  My money is really tight right now with all the work on the house and everything getting so damn expensive.  Also hubby is having surgery on his right shoulder on the 29th and our deductible is really high so I am having to cut a lot of corners.  I am hoping that I can do this on my own and we will find out.  I am back to writing down everything I eat and will be posting yesterdays food journal today.  This was not an easy decision for me, but $12.00 a week will buy me gas for a couple of days. 

I am also taking a vitamin D supplement and an Omega-3 supplement to help give me energy and hopefully make me feel better.   Actually I have not started taking them yet, because I just ordered them off eBay.   I hope this will make my energy pick up and I will fell like doing some things again.  I went home yesterday and got my kitchen cleaned up and did some laundry.  I also started to hang some of my pictures back up on the walls that we took down when I painted.    So I did get a little done yesterday and got to relax some before I went to bed. 

Have a great day and here is yesterdays food journal.  I am using the old plan which worked better for me so I am allowing myself 28 points for now.   My first weigh-in with hubby is tonight so we will see how it goes. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Allocated : 32.0
Earned : 0.0
Remaining : 0.0

Total : 32.0

1.0 watermelon
1.0 peas
4.0 mushroom rice
3.0 cheese shredded
4.0 chili
8.0 2x Frankfurt
1.0 blueberry
1.0 watermelon
1.0 Mayo lite
1.0 white wheat bread
2.0 banana
5.0 deer sausage 4 oz


that TOPS lady said...

I hope your vitamins help you feel better.

I'm sorry you had to quit WW but I agree that $12 per week adds up for sure!

~blessings to you~

Amanda Kiska said...

You also might enjoy using a tool like or another free, on-line tracker. You can enter the foods you eat and your weigh in's.

Either way, I know you can do it! WW is a good tool, but the reality is that YOU are the key to your own success!

WWSuzi said...

WW's really does get expensive!!
Hope you get your energy back soon.

The Path Traveled said...

Check out It really will help with your food log and nutritional values. They saved me after WW. No matter what you do, you know how and what to do. You can do this and its really sweet that the hubby is your team mate!