Wednesday, September 29, 2010 | By: Debbie

Wednesday - 09-29-10 Weigh in and getting old.

Now this post has one hell of a title, don't you think.  I am having one hell of a day so far this morning.  My software at work developed a glitch and I had to call support.  We use Quickbooks and I love it and have been using it for 15 years.  (tell my age)  I had to call support this morning and I get some one in India or over seas somewhere.  She could not understand me and I could not understand her, so they finally transferred me to the USA and I got this guy in Oregon that help me fix it.  What are we coming to in the USA that everything goes over seas to be done.  Hell no wonder people are out of work and can not find anything, we are sending everything over seas.  Sorry I am ranting...

On to getting old and forgetting things.  I get up this morning and get ready for work and put my watch on, fix my lunch and get my purse and out the door I go.  I get almost to work and realize that I do not have my wedding rings on or any of my other jewelry.  It was laying on the kitchen counter.  Now this is the first time in 18 years that I forgot to put my rings back on.   I hunted my glasses for 45 min the other morning and they were on top of my head.  Yep I am getting old and I mind the hell out of it.  I personally think it should not happen at all, but I doubt that is going to do me any good.   I do not want to grow old gracefully either, I want when I die for someone to say damn she must have let a good life cause her body is wore out.   I want to raise hell, have a ball and when I die slide in sideways on a banana peel and have my body so wore out no one could use anything off of it. 

Well here are some pictures of my food yesterday, and the food journal.  I cooked some Turkey Tenders on the grill and this picture is for Patrick my grilling  buddy. 

These are Turkey tenderloins with bacon wrapped around them.  I put them on the grill with a little Dale's Seasoning and they are wonderful.  Best thing is they are 4 points a piece and they are great.   Hubby had two of these and I had one with carrots and corn.  The carrots I cooked  out of a can and drained them and cooked them in low sodium chicken broth.  You then drained that off and put 1 tbs spoon of lite butter and some dill weed and toss.   Yummy and filling also.  Finally the Mexican corn and this is really easy, it comes in a bag and you just pop it in the microwave and steam it.  

Looks good huh and the whole meal only had 8 points.  



Anonymous said...

What you and I have is CRS Syndrome. Can't Remember Sh*t. The pictures look good enough to eat. I never thought of turkey tenderloins with bacon wrapped around them. Yummy.

I am a WW blogger too. Struggling these past couple of days with binging but still kept within weekly points by using my activity points. I think I have my goal for next week figured out. Hmmm. What could it be? Perhaps using only 35 weekly allowance points?

Thunder Thigh Wife said...

It's taken you 18 years to forget your rings? I do that every morning! I totally suffer from CRS Syndrome. There's no shame in it. LOL. Those turkey things look delicious!

Allan said...

Hi Shirley, oops,
How about turkey tenderloins, no bacon, on grill, with a little BBQ sauce. Without the little bacon, have 2 pieces, same points.. Always, awesome !!!

Phil said...

O...M...G - the turkey wrapped in bacon - did God himself give you that idea, that sounds lush! That is inspired, and this weekend i too shall be savouring their delights. Qudos for the idea mate.

I gots to agree with your rant too - it's exactly the same in the UK.

In terms of ageing, the older i get the more i have come to realise just how much youth is wasted on the young - they (and i include my own younger self in this) just don't get how brilliant being young is! ;o)

WWSuzi said...

I turn 49 tomorrow and i've been doing things like that for years already :)

Anonymous said...

The key is remembering that you forgot...otherwise you're doomed! :) Seriously, mom has AD and it freaks me out when I forget something. Her specialist told us that and it helps me.
Now I want carrots w/ dill. LOVE dill & sounds great w/ carrots...
Enjoy your day!
PS Same problem here w/ tech support way somewhere else...I hope we North Americans wake up before it's too late - we're giving our jobs away and it won't be long before all of us are out of jobs :( .