I have had a terrific week, my knee is doing great. I lost 3 lbs last week and I feel it in my clothes. Last night we had taco's for supper and I only ate 2 even though I had fixed three I did not want the second one. I was full and I stopped at that point. WOW.. I can control my own body and stop when I get full.
My biggest challenge has been exercise, but I am working out 4 to 5 times a week on my wii and so far I love it. I am thinking about buying Zumba dance though and I was wondering if anyone out there has tried it? Let me know and how it is working for you. It really looks like fun on TV, but I would like to hear from anyone that has used it.
Okay, I am dealing with my stress level as best as I can. We are down to one me and one other girl in the office and it is rough. I had to lay off Lorie, who is my friend and walking partner. We are in between big contracts and it is slow. She took a lot off of me and now I am having to stay late. Oh well that is the price of being on salary. I do miss her though because we ate lunch together and walked at lunch. I am going to think positive and she will be back in August.
I have missed reading so many posts these last few days so I am going to have to catch up and see how everyone is doing. Don't give up on me when I have not posted for a few days until I get everything back on track at work. I have to post at work because I do not have high speed at home. Everyone have a nice day and I am going to go read some posts.
Spinach Feta Frittata
3 hours ago
You ARE on a roll! So great to read this!
3 pounds?!?!? WOWZER!!! Keep the good work up!
Congrats on the 3 lbs lost… pushing back the 3rd taco, nice; I would have had trouble doing that :-)
Not giving up on you, still following and enjoying your posts. Wishing you a long time on the roll you are on!
I haven't tried the Zumba tapes but I've done Zumba class at the gym a few times and absolutely loved it. At first, I felt really uncoordinated but by the 2nd and 3rd classes I had the steps down better and enjoyed it even more. I like it because you can modify the workout to lower/higher intensity as needed by stepping/bouncing more or less. If you like to dance, you'll love Zumba. Congrats on 3 lbs!!!
You are doing fantastic!!! I have got to get more dedicated myself. It is so easy to fall off the wagon.
I'm sorry you had to lay off your friend. That must've been very hard. Great job on the loss! I tried Zumba when it firs came out and loved it. I'm sure it's even better now. If you love to dance, then you'll probably enjoy it.
Hi Debbie. Sounds like things are going well for you...nice work. Sorry about stress at work...if poissible, try to leave that stress at work and not bring it home (which is hard...I know).
Hey, you asked on my blog about the best starting size for a kettlebell. It depends. For women it is typically somewhere in the 15-20 pound range. If you can get a hold of a 15 pounder and a 20 pounder you can gently pull the kettlebell up to the rack position. Rack position is when your arm is bent and your elbow is resting near your hip and your hand is under your chin (wrist straight)..and the kettlebell is resting on the triangle your arm is making. Try to press it straight up until you lock your elbw being careful to keep it straight up from your hip----with your bicep near your ear...do not let it go off to the side. You want to pick the kettlebell that you can press about 5 times...but is hard and takes some effort. If it is too light...and you could easily press it 20 times....you need something heavier.
Hope that helps! I have a couple DVDs that I recommend..they are over on the right side of my blog.
Keep up the great work!
Wow - 3 pounds is fantastic - congratulations!! Glad your week is going so well - sounds like you are dealing with your work stress very well.
Great job 3 pounds is AWESOME :)
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