Monday, September 20, 2010 | By: Debbie

Monday 09-20-10 - No Place like home

We are back from our trip to Atlanta, and there is no place like home.  We had a great time at the kids and our new granddaughter is perfect of course.  She is so pretty and I could just sucky face her.   It is hard living so far from them and the kids change so much every time we see them.  I do wish we lived closer, but I could not see my hubby in Georgia again.  To many people for us, and way to much traffic.    I did enjoy the neighborhood they live in though.  My daughter in-law Brooke, and I took the baby and their dog for a walk to the back of their subdivision and it was fun.  There was a  hell of hill going down and I thought lord I am going to have to have her go and get the car to get me back up this hill.   We walked a long way up and down several small hills and started back when we meet Daniel coming to meet us.  He had gone for a run and decided to walk and meet us after.  So we start back and there is this hill and it is steep let me tell you.  I was so afraid that I was going to have to have Daniel go and get the car, but I made it.  I had to stop and get my breath a couple of times, but I did it.   I am getting where I can walk further and longer everyday.     I am attaching a picture of hubby and I with Lexie so everyone can see how pretty she is.

I did pretty good on my eating and did not go over on my points.  It was hard not having the snacks and things I like, but my daughter in-law had plenty of fruit on had for me.   I missed being able to work on my blog and read every one's posts.  I am going to do nothing but read posts at lunch today and respond.  I am staying on track so far and my clothes are getting looser.   Here is my food journals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday....   I hope everyone had a great weekend..

I forgot my camera today so I had to borrow one.  I hope every one can read these.


Anonymous said...

Your new grandbaby is adorable. Love the photos :) Glad to hear you had a great trip!

Jo said...

She is a beautiful baby,Debbie.

Lou said...

Welcome home and well done on the tracking while away and yay on making it up that hill :). Love when clothes start to feel different. Lexie looks as cute as a button!

Potato Diva said...

Congrats on the trip, the new addition, the hill and tracking while away. I do WW also and just rejoined last Thursday. I like how you post your food tracker. It inspires me. Check out my weight loss journey at

WWSuzi said...

Awww what a sweet baby :)
Welcome home!! Staying on track while being away is downright awesome!! You rock

Floriana said...

Such a cutie! Love her rock star hair. :D
Yay on making it up the hill! Success!

mensa said...

Lexie is just precious. Look at all that hair. Congratulation too for conquering that hill.


Karla said...

The proud grandparents :) your granddaughter is precious :) glad you had a nice visit