Thursday, February 23, 2012 | By: Debbie

Thursday, Feb 23, 2011 - I have got to get a hold on my eating...

Lord help me I have to get a hold on my eating.  You would think that I would have learned by now and could actually control my eating.  I think my middle sister was born with all the will power in my family, cause she can go all day and not eat but one piece of toast.  If she so much as gains an ounce she is on the treadmill for 12 hours.  

I can blame it on a lot of things lately, working to many hours and eating like a horse when I walk through the door at home.  Oh and it does not help that we cook lunch at work everyday either.  I am dealing with something homemade everyday.  Today it was turtle cookies, which are to die for, but I did not eat one.  I am trying to get better and I have started today just taking it one day at a time.  Maybe if I blog more often and keep my mind busy it will help. 

I did dust off my treadmill last night and I hooked my wii backup so I can start using it again, so maybe I can just take it one day at a time.  Oh hell for me it will be one hour at a time and work up from there.

I need hugs people.... and a swift kick in the old backside....


Enz said...

If you have to take it an hour at a time u til you feel in control then do that. You had one success today already!

The Path Traveled said...

I have followed you long enough to kick your butt! lol!
I know you can do this. Get hold of your body. You control what you eat and how much! Don't let food control you!
I have told you before about how my hubby and I keep
Its free, its easy, and best of all its not a diet! It keeps you in control. Take a look.

Mary said...

It can be very tough to do the right thing when we're faced with so many temptations. Keep your goals in mind as you're faced with choices - does this get me closer to where I want to be, or farther away? I keep inspirational quotes written out for my computer desk, fridge, cabinets, bathroom mirror, and office at work - to keep myself mindful of how far I have come and how badly I want to succeed at all this! You can do this, Debbie - as the saying goes, "no one promised it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

Anonymous said...

The more you blog...the better I am at not eating......sometime you will have to show me how to blog...I think I am ready...right now, i have so much fluid I can hardly breathe.....about fifteen lbs of it there abouts. As soon as the baby girl goes to her mama's on fri. I am hitting the fluid pills and water. Keep it up..........p.s.