Tuesday, June 28, 2011 | By: Debbie

Tuesday June 28, 2011 - Happy Birthday to me......

Yes I am 52 years old today and I really do not feel that old.   I look in the mirror and I do not have many wrinkles and it is only lately that I have found a couple of gray hairs.  I do not mind getting old, but it seems like time goes by so quickly these days. 

My ad for a walking partner comes out in the paper on Thursday and I hope I get some calls.  I mapped out 3.1 miles from my driveway and back so that I can start training for another 5K.  It is really hot here to be walking, but I waited until about 7:00 last night and it was not to bad.  I am going to have to get me some walking shorts though that do not ride up when I walk.  I had to keep pulling them down the whole time.  I am thinking about trying some biker shorts that come about to my knees and a sports bra with a tank top over it so it will be cool.    I was wondering though for all of you that walk do you wear a safety vest?  I am going to have my dog with me and I will be carrying a walking stick, but I want to make sure people see me.  So let me hear some thoughts on this.

Have a great day.


Kandykisses said...

Happy Birthday Debbie!
I bought some yoga capris from Walmart, sort of like these: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Danskin-Now-Women-s-Plus-Reversible-Yoga-Capri/15758982

They come to about my knees and they have that whicking fabric that stays dry even though I'm sweating up a storm. As for visibility, I bought a reflective ankle bracelet that has my address in it. Along with the reflectors on my shoes, and my jacket, drivers can see me. Check out this site for some good safety stuff: http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/gear/gearsafety/

If you want to do it on the cheap, you can go to the hardware store and buy some reflective tape and put the tape on your walking stick and maybe wrap some pieces on a water belt or strap for a water bottle. Make sure you stay hydrated!


Scott R. McManus said...

Happy Birthday Debbie! Have a blessed day! I'm sure you will get walkers. Great idea!

~Shannon~ said...

Happy Birthday!

The Path Traveled said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday, Debbie! MAY IT ALWAYS BE A hAPPY, hEALTHY ONE!
I should wear a safety vest, and my hubby is always telling me that. I walk/ run in the country so there are hunters most of the time. I do carry mace always and most of the time a 48 strapped to my side. A vest is most likely something I better add.
Hope you have a wonderful Birthday!

Tim said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!! :)

Good luck with finding a walking partner.

Alyssa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy only the "few grays" - I've been colouring my hair since age 25, and out of necessity! :) Hope you find a walking partner - great idea! I do wear a vest when I walk - it has reflective parts on it but it's also a weighted vest (10 lbs.) - adds to the calorie burn. Is a bit hot when the weather is hot - but it's a smallish vest - doesn't cover my whole shirt or anything.
PS I'm the one who deleted the above post - my DD left herself signed in...

Mary said...

Happy birthday!!! ♥ I don't go out running/walking at night, but sometimes I see folks out there with the vests. It might be different because I'm in a city, but I'd say do what you feel most comfortable with - better safe than sorry, always!

Enz said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy it!

Karla said...

happy Birthday!!!! 52 is my next one also

Larry Romeo said...

Happy birthday Debbie,
Yahoo! You're 52 and not 53!Did you get a special birthday cake with 52 candles?

A safety vest and a walking stick that can be used to keep dogs away are essential to prevent possible injury during your 3.1 mile walk. You differently want drivers to see you while walking.